Change is a force of nature teaching us to
embrace the season we are in.
Shifts in your health, identity, family dynamics, relationships and career can leave you unable to recognize yourself or your surroundings. Life transitions are in constance, they have the power to bring you to your knees or elevate you to glorious heights.
You are brilliantly created with the universal pattern to evolve and integrate with change.
Witchery teaches the maiden, mother, crone rights of passage to support female bodies though menarche, motherhood and menopause.
Her Majesty, Mother Earth, gives you the seasons and evolution through ages to show you how to acclimate to your own.
Transformation is infinitely weaving the masterpiece of life.
To live is to be present in every experience.
The late buddhist monk, Thich Nhát Hanh, taught that if you are living in the past or in the future, who is it then, that is living now?
Do you sense chaos in life and seek direction?
Feel disoriented in your body or identity?
Are you experiencing transformation that is rocking your core?
Let's Rock & Roll!
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